Sunday, 21 April 2013

Newtons Laws Mini Story

In pairs, students are to imagine they are Isaac Newton and are to address a board of physicists the laws of motion. You are to make a storybook explaining Newton’s Laws of motion and explain the relationship between force, mass and acceleration. Students are to do this after an introduction into the topic over one period. Discussion revolving around how Newton proposed these laws and how they impacted on contemporary scientific theorem. By using Kerpoof students have a fun way of learning as well reinforcing the theoretical side of this topic.

PFA – Outcome 5.1: A student explains how social factors influence the development and acceptance of scientific ideas
5.1 The history of science
a) Identify some of the ideas from different cultures (including those of Aboriginal and other Indigenous people that have contributed throughout history
b) Describe some models and theories that have been considered in science and then been modified or rejected as a result of available evidence

Outcome 5.6: A student applies models, theories and laws to situations involving energy, force and motion.
5.6.2 Newton’s Laws – motion:
a) Describe qualitatively the relationship between force, mass and acceleration
b) Explain qualitatively the relationship between distance speed and time

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